Get Into Digital Careers – London SLC test 2023

Explore a career pathway in the digital sector and build in-demand digital skills with online learning and support.

Course Dates

1 June - 31 August



Course Format


Course Capacity


Your gateway to the digital sector

Curious about working in the digital sector? Turn your interest into a future career pathway with The Prince’s Trust and leading technology employer, Google.

This 100% online course gives you access to the tools and opportunities to help you kickstart your journey into an exciting and rewarding industry.

Grow both personally and professionally with support from The Prince's Trust as you explore and prepare for the world of work with other young people. Learn new digital skills at your own pace and begin to lay your foundations for future success with entry-level training from a top digital employer.

Who is this course for?

This course is aimed at young people who are:

  • Aged between 16 and 30

  • Interested in exploring a career in the digital sector

  • Looking to gain sector-based experience

  • Self-motivated

  • Able to commit time to regular learning

  • Have access to reliable internet and a desktop or laptop computer

What's involved?

This is a four-part course delivered in partnership with Google:

Part 1: Taster Day

Part 2: Unlock Skills for Digital Careers workshops and independent learning

Part 3: Review and reflect

Part 4: Google IT Support Professional Certificate

Part 1: Taster Day

Meet the other young people in your cohort and learn more about the Google IT Support Professional Certificate during this 2.5-hour session.

  • Find out more about the employer opportunity and what's involved

  • Work together with other young people to complete group activities

  • Start thinking about what this course could help you to achieve

You’ll also receive support after the Taster Day to make sure you feel ready and prepared to commit to the next part of the course.

Not live content

This course is not live right now and we will be back soon with more information.

Part 3: Review and Reflect

In this 2.5-hour session, we look back on what you’ve learned so far and how it can support your own success through the rest of the course and beyond.

  • Catch up with the employer and your cohort

  • Put your skills to work in group activities

  • Reflect on your personal development and what’s important to you

You’ll also receive support after the session to make sure you feel ready and prepared to commit to the next part of the course.

Part 4: Google IT Support Professional Certificate

Brought to you in partnership with:

The Google IT Support Professional Certificate is a flexible, self-directed online course that takes around 3-4 months to complete. The Certificate opens the door to specialist IT skills training and guidance to help unlock your future career.

Learn from home at your own pace

You will complete this part of the course in your own time, at your own pace - committing around 10-15 learning hours per week through to completion.

The Certificate includes 5 entry-level training modules:

Module 1: Technical Support Fundamentals

Module 2: The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking

Module 3: Operating Systems and You: Becoming a Power User

Module 4: System Administration and IT Infrastructure Services

Module 5: IT Security: Defence Against the Digital Dark Arts

Extra support while you learn

The Google IT Support Professional Certificate Certificate includes videos, interactive projects, quizzes and regular assessments to boost your learning.

During this part of the course, you’ll also get access to:

  • Advice from industry experts on starting your IT career

  • Continued one-to-one support from The Prince’s Trust

  • Workshops and live events to support your personal development

Interested in this course?

Book onto an Info Session with your local Prince's Trust team to find out more about the opportunities available to you through this course and how to get involved.

Charlotte set her career goals so high, she ended up working in the cloud

Why learn with The Prince's Trust?

We believe every young person should have the chance to succeed. It’s our mission to help you develop the confidence and skills you need to live, learn, and earn.​

Free online learning

Meet other young people and learn together in online workshops.

Real opportunities

Explore exciting routes to employment and self-employment.

Personal support

Access the one-to-one help and guidance you need to succeed.

Frequently asked questions

Not sure this course is right for you?

No problem, we're still here for you. Find more courses and additional support available to you through The Prince's Trust.